I Read Dinosaur Erotica so You Don’t Have To

Can writers learn anything from this genre? And do we really want to?

Alex Cooper
9 min readApr 13, 2021
man with thought bubble showing woman and dinosaur
This probably isn’t you, but should it be? (Graphic made with Canva)

I first heard about the dinosaur erotica genre from a Cracked article and forgot all about it, apart from the occasional traumatic flashback.

Several years later, seeing that some of these titles had more ratings than my two books combined, I dusted off my Journalism Diploma and prepared to ruin my childhood for the sake of a scoop. I had to know what made these novels so appealing to their small, yet devoted fanbases.

Medium is full of writing advice, but the dinosaur erotica niche is one that has been overlooked, probably for very good reason. Yet someone is buying this stuff.

I’m sure you have a lot of questions: Should you consider dinosaur-on-human erotica for your next self-published novel? Are these books a joke? Did I pay actual money to read them?

I can only conclusively answer the latter — yes. I spent four British Pounds and 30 minutes (they weren’t exactly War and Peace) reading two popular titles cover-to-cover.

Here are my findings.

Choosing the Books

I knew one of my purchases had to be a Christie Sims novel. Sims is like the Stephen King of sauropod…

